"This new album from Sailor Free might well make my best of 2016 list. It’s such cool modern prog."
Music Street Journal - USA Gary W. Hill -
"And what is also very important, the sound of this recording is just amazing. It has a transparent sound quality... As reviewer and open-minded music lover I enjoyed listening to this enthralling album very much."
progVisions - NL Douwe Fledderus -
"... there are easily a half dozen very memorable tracks that kept me coming back for repeat listens again and again.
Exposè - USA Peter Thelen
All taken, this is a very eclectic and healthy mix of sounds with one foot in the classic prog world and another reflecting more current styles." -
"Un gran disco rock, da ascoltare dall'inizio alla fine per capirne il senso... Da avere."
Classix - IT Mauro Furlan
"A great rock album, to listen from beginning to end... A must-have." -
"Un mosaïque intéressante de sonorités modernes... un album très satisfaisant."
Profil - CA Denis Boisvert -
"Spiritual Revolution - part two is a classy Prog album that I enjoyed listening to from beginning to end... Sailor Free have certainly put out an album that deserves to reach a large group of Progressive Rock fans.
Proggnosis - USA Marc
Highly recommended indeed!!!." -
"...this is an album best listened to in full.
DPRP - NL Patrick McAfee
It is definitely an entertaining example of modern prog." -
"I recommend this band to the widest possible audience, first of all to those who appreciate originality and true artistry.
Recyclable Sounds - RU Raigor
Bravo, Sailor Free!" -
"Over time, this music developed almost an hypnotic effect.
Betreutesproggen - DE Juergen Meurer
You feel excited, without one could say exactly why." -
"I SF riescono a propongono una musica che, pur non rinunciando a quelle sonorità art-rock che hanno le loro radici negli anni '70, è attuale, fresca e soprattutto intelligente."
Buscadero - IT Andrea Trevaini -
"Un album basé sur l'imaginaire, en cela une vraie réussite... objectif tenu: celui d’éveiller votre curiosité."
Highland Magazine - FR Jean-Pierre Schricke -
"L’album è ancora una volta splendido, capace di catturare irrimediabilmente i sensi... vi troverete quasi senza accorgervene a essere contagiati da questi suoni così variegati, intensi e vitali, espressione di classe, talento e di un’enorme forza comunicativa."
Metal.it - IT Marco Aimasso -
"Tämä levy on erittäin hyvä."
Colossus - FIJuergen Meurer
"This record is very good." -
"Questo lavoro è da consacrarsi e collocarsi nelle nostre raccolte musicali,
Psycanprog - IT Raffaele Astore
qualunque esse siano." -
"An album that will teach to many conservatives what can truly be "Progressive" today."
MAT 2020 - IT Alberto Sgarlato