


The Labirynth / Laser's edge

CD and digital download

Track list:

1 - Intro II
2 - Wild
3 - The token
4 - Safe havens
5 - Revolution is at hand
6 - The fifth door
7 - Fairy queen
8 - A miracle
9 - Tears
10- The end of the day

Sailor Free:

David Petrosino - vocals, piano, mellotron, minimoog, arp synth, doff
Stefano "The Hook" Barelli - electric and acoustic guitar
Stefano Tony - drums, percussions
Alphonso Nini - bass guitar


Devi - vocals on "The fifth door"
Barbara Barbatelli - violin
Anan Al shalabi - ud
Stefano Ribeca - sax

Produced by David Petrosino

Cover painting and design - Michael Bennet

Photo - Fausto Ristori

PRESS Extracts

'The Fifth Door' is a simply brilliant album to shake your head to when the lights are out and the joss sticks are burning low.
(Ptolemaic Terrascope – UK)

Non aspettiamo che The Fifth Door rientri dalla finestra del successo internazionale. Ascoltiamolo subito.
(Il Mucchio Selvaggio - Giancarlo Susanna - IT)

Sailor Free play hard rock of modern kind...
a recommendable cd for people who appreciate variety.
(Rock Hard – Marcus Muller - GE)

Un viaggio in dimensioni di bellezza incontrastata e tristezza incomparabile. Da sentire e risentire, perdendosi nel vortice.
(Metal Hammer - Luca Signorelli - IT)

It's a big rock monster with a delicate underside, one of the albums of the year.
(Organ – UK)

Se anche voi avete sognato una volta nella vita di staccare la spina'..., se anche a voi è capitato di addormentarvi vestiti sul letto, sognando una qualsiasi dimensione extra quotidianità, immergetevi nel Fantastico Sogno di "The Fifth Door".
(Flash - Paola Ceci - IT)

Sailor Free want to rock the foundations.
(I/E mag - USA)

...if you let them lead you in their world without borders, you can reach the farthest shores from the comfort of your own home.
(Rock Power - Gianni Andreotti -IT)

Sailor Free is a winner.
(Exposé - USA)


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Sailor Free

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